Mounia Nassangar from France. Mounia Nassangar began her dance career with hip hop before discovering voguing and waacking for which she developed a passion. She specializes in waacking and launches into competition and is alsoContinue reading
Marie Kaae & Raffael Bender
Roots by Marie Kaae & Raffael Bender ABOUT Different roots are what separate us but also what draw us together. We have all experienced going out with family, friends and colleagues to eat something exotic.Continue reading
Atilenak workshop
Kanessa aka Atilenak , a graduate of the Beaux Arts in Brussels , choreographer and freestyler specializing in Afro house , she has devoted herself in recent years to developing her own style . HerContinue reading
Ida INXI Holmlund
Another announcement to the Detour Dance Festival Line up, she is no stranger to the Danish scene, and wait!! She is coming with her brand new solo just for us. Ida “Inxi” Holmlund, a freelanceContinue reading
Talawa Technique Master Class
Don’t Drink Bush Tea for Someone elses Fever- Decoloniality Dance and Cosmocentric Technique A lecture looking at dance practice and technique from a decolonial perspective centering on practices from Africa and the Caribbean. Workshop TalawaContinue reading
House Workshop
Detour Dance Festival præsentere en enestående og intim house workshop med @kwame_ba fra Frankrig Dato: 19 aug – Pris 150 kr kl 16:30 -18:00 Sign up via link
Workshop program
Detour Dance Festival 2022 Workshop program. Tilmelding sker via link
House Workshop
Detour Dance Festival præsentere en enestående og intim House workshop med Clémentine fra Frankrig – Dato: 19 aug – Pris 150 kr. Workshop kl 14:30 -16:00 Link til tilmelding begrænset pladser
Tentacle Tribe
Detour Dance Festival præsentere Koncept og Koreografi Workshop med Emmanuelle fra Canada ” Tentacle Tribe “ Dato: 20 aug – Pris 150 kr Tidspunkt kl 15:00 -17:00 Tilmelding via link