LESLEY-ANN BROWN at Detour Dance Festival presented by Another Life Community (Wednesday) — Reading LESLEY-ANN BROWN is the author of ‘DECOLONIAL DAUGHTER: LETTERS FROM A BLACK WOMAN TO HER EUROPEAN SON’ (Repeater, 2017) as wellContinue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Inspirational conversation between music and movement
This year’s program is an ode to Africa — A testament to the power of dance. Only on Friday the 11th of October Witness the mesmerizing spectacle of live percussionists and a skilled DJ settingContinue reading
Jupiter Child
Detour Dance Festival is excited to anounce that Jupiter Child will be part of this years festival. Mozambican-born queer performer & visual artist Jupiter is based in Denmark. My art embodies themes of decolonial resistanceContinue reading
“Shadows of Heritage” by Oliver Zohore
Detour Dance Festival is thrilled to anounce the danish premiere of “Shadows of Heritage” by Oliver Zohore Dates: Tuesday 8th – Friday 11th of October Place: Blaagard Teater Ticket sale coming soon in August. OliverContinue reading
‘Afrikan Party’ Supa Rich Kids by Oulouy.
Detour Dance Festival is proud to anounce the danish premiere of ‘Afrikan Party’ Supa Rich Kids by Oulouy. Starring Oulouy @enfantdesbois , Yemi Osokoya @yemiosokoya , Ambrose Tjark @ambrose_tjark & Ordinateur @officialordinateur Dates: Tuesday 8thContinue reading
‘S.T.U.C.K’ is the title of this new performance by Mounia Nassangar, one of today’s prominent waacking dancers, both in her home country of France and internationally.
Waacking is a street dance stemming from the style punking developed in the LGBTQ+ clubs of Los Angeles during the disco and funk era of the 1970s. The dance is characterized by fast, rotating armContinue reading
Roskilde Festival
STUCK by Mounia Nassangar will be presented at Roskilde festival 2024. Co – produced by Detour Dance Festival
Check your privilege at the door
Check your privilege at the door DETOUR DANCE FESTIVAL indtager Blaagaard Teater og forvandler scenen til en vibrerende club. Vi byder på et alsidigt program med værker fra ind- og udland af førende kunstnere indenforContinue reading