Artist bio Som CEO og stifter af COMPOUND, et anerkendt danse-selskab, stræber Ali efter at levere førsteklasses shows, videoer og teaterproduktioner. Deres arbejde har allerede givet dem unikke muligheder, herunder optrædener for kongelige, herunder dronningen,Continue reading
Author: sarajordan
Ljuba Castot
Artist bio: Ljuba Castot (she/her) is a Brooklyn based movement artist from Copenhagen. Influenced by her danish mother’s fierce arts-advocacy, Ljuba is continuously expanding her embodied work of anti-racism, intersectionality and dismantling of white supremacyContinue reading
Toniah Pedersen
Artist bio: Toniah har arbejdet som kreativ instruktør og koreograf i flere sæsoner af X Factor DK, såvel som på andre reality-konkurrenceprogrammer som Voice Junior og Mentor. Hun instruerer og koreografer også Vild med DansContinue reading
Jupiter Child
Artist bio: Jupiter Child is a Mozambican-born artist, residing in Copenhagen. A multifaceted performer and visual artist, drawing inspiration from black history and their Makonde ancestry, Jupiter combines theater, dance, song, spoken word and storytelling.Continue reading
Beck Heiberg
Artist bio: Beck Heiberg is a choreographer and performer with a BA in Theatre and Performance Studies from Copenhagen University. He is furthermore educated at Hotstepper in Copenhagen, Denmark and Juste Debout School in Paris,Continue reading
Entreprenørskab i dansekoreografi og scenekunst
Kom til en samtale omkring entreprenørskab i dansekoreografi og scenekunst. Mød Toniah Pedersen, Beck Heiberg, Ali Haydar og Jupiter Child i en dialog omkring intersektionelt samarbejde og hvordan vi som scenekunstnere udvikler vores proces ogContinue reading
Zhané Samuels
Zhané Samuels from the UK, choreographing a new dance peice with four Danish dancers @amy.saharr @dinahhousted @tenderbabygirl and @rebeccakjerstad Zhané, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, a multi-talented artist who kick-started her career atContinue reading
Bobby Atiedu
Bobby Atiedu, a talented dancer and entertainer hailing from Denmark and Ghana. Over the past 15 years, Atiedu has captivated audiences with his extraordinary talent, particularly in the genres such as popping and hip-hop. Bobby’sContinue reading
Zhané Samuels
Zhané Samuels from the UK, choreographing a new dance peice with four Danish dancers @amy.saharr @dinahhousted @tenderbabygirl and @rebeccakjerstad Zhané, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, a multi-talented artist who kick-started her career atContinue reading
Yvonne Smink
Yvonne was introduced to pole dance in 2011 and not a single day has since gone by without her training (or thinking about training) on the pole! Originating from the wallclimbing scene, she immediately fellContinue reading